Balmumu Dükkan-Lokanta
The beeswax is produced by honeybees from a gland in the abdomen to protect, store and preserve the honey, and it plays the most important role in protection of honey.
So, the dishes by "Balmumu Dukkan Lokanta" stand for a food philosophy regarding preservation and maintenance of mother-made, home-made and traditional foods that have survived to date.
Chief Ahmet Guzelyagdoken:
He was born in the Aegean Region and spent his childhood in the vineyards and gardens in this geography... He was raised with the culture of a family dealing with olive oil and cheese making. He studied Fine Arts and painting, and has been serving as a lecturer, gastronomy author and gastronomy consultant, while continuing to be active in making olive oil dishes and traditional dishes of Aegean Region, all which he is specialized in.