Located next to the globally-known Ftelia Beach, Farma Restaurant is an authentic farm decorated with wooden, stone and sand-made details and designed in harmony with the surrounding natural beauties. Delicious tastes prepared with the fresh vegetables and fruits, grown on the garden of the restaurant, bear the signature of the chef Charikaos Kossyfas.
Here you can see the photos taken during the events that reflect the spirit of the festival:
Appetizers specially prepared by Farma cuisine within the framework of the festival:

Octopus With Sweet Onion andMashedBean with Grated Orange Peel
1 kg Octopus / 500 g Battal (Extra Big) Beans / 700 g Onion / 2 Leeks /1 Celery / 3 Carrots / 50 g Tornala Paste / 1 Lime / Grated Peel of I Prange 20 g Garlic / 20 g Oregano / 10 g Fresh Thyme / 10 g Fresh Marj oram / 80 mi Olive Dil / 25 g Salt / 15 g Black Pepper / 100 g Butter / 150 g Sugar / 3,5 1 Chicken Broth
Preparation of Octopus:
Wash the octopus and then cut the tentacles of the octopus in a saucepan. Boil lor about 1 hour on low heat. After cooling down, cut each into 2.5 cm long slices.
Preparation of Mashed Battal (Extra Large) Bean:
Soak the beans in water lor one day. Saute the garlic, leek, 200 g onions, celery and carrots in olive oil in a saucepan. Add the tomato paste, beans, ehi eken broth, salt and pepper, and then cook lor about 2 hours on low heat. When it is ready, mix it by blender and then fi iter it through a strainer.
Preparation of Sweet Onion Puree:
Fry the onions in butter in a saucepan on low heat lor about 30 minutes. Add su gar and cook lor further 30 minutes. When it is ready, mix it by blender and then filler it through a strainer.

Cuttlefish With Pastrami, Blueberry and Marjoram with Turnip-Rooted Parsley Puree
1 kg Cuttlefish / 1 kg Turnip-Rooted Parsley / 300 mi Milk Cream / 200 g Bacan / 60 g Blueberry / 150 g Butter / 250 g Onion / 30 g Garlic / 10 g Thyme / 30 g Marjoram / 25 g Salt / 15 g Black Pepper / 2 1 Chicken Broth 1 Lime / 100 mi Olive Dil
Turnip-Rooted Parsley Puree:
Sauıe the onions and garlic in butter and olive oil in a saucepan. Then, add the turnip-rooted parsley. After adding chicken broth and milk cream, continue cooking. After it is cooked, make puree by blender and fi iter it through a strai ner.
Sauteed Cuttlefish:
Sauıe the cuttlefish in a hot frying pan lor 3 minutes, and then add the pastra mi. lake them in a bowl, and add salt, pepper, thyme and marj oram, squeeze lemon.