Meze Festivali 2024 Katitilimca Card10


There is no inscription indicating when Lala Mustafa Pasha Inn, which is also known as the Hisva (Boll) Inn, was built. However, there are a number of Foundation Charters (Vakfiyes) and records of Sharia Courts indicating that it was built by Lala Mustafa Pasha. The charter bears the date 1577 (985 in Hijri), which shows that it was built in 1563-1577 when Lala Mustafa Pasha was serving as the Governor of Aleppo and Damascus. The building, which is classified as a single-storey inn, is the oldest inn in Gaziantep.

Being situated on Kultur Yolu and restored by the Metropolitan Municipality of Gaziantep, Hisva Inn received the 15th Year Special Award in the "Contest to Promote Projects and Practices on the Safeguarding of Historical and Cultural Heritage" held by the Union of Historical Cities (TKB) in 2014. Having been restored by staying true to its original by the Metropolitan Municipality of Gaziantep, Hısva Inn was put into service as a hotel-restaurant-shop in August 2016.