Established in 1949 in Limassol, Niazi's Restaurant is one of the oldest places of Cyprus which is known for its kebabs. It is highly popular especially with its registered trademark "Full Kebab" menu presenting a mix of various mezzes and kebabs most of which are peculiar to Cyprus. One of the features meals of the restaurant is the "Peach Kebab". Niazi's is serving at six different venues in similar concepts across the three regions of the island. 5 of these restaurants serve meat while 1 of them serves fresh fish.
Here you can see the photos taken during the events that reflect the spirit of the festival:
Appetizers specially prepared by Niazi's cuisine within the framework of the festival:

Bulgur Balls
1 KG Groud Beef / 1.5 KG Fine Bulgur / 100 g Flour / 25 g Semolina / 750 g Finely Chopped Onion / 25 g Pine Nut / 50 g Currant / Parsley Bunch of 250 g (1 Bunch is 100g) / 300 g Sunflower Seed Oil / 1 Egg / 1.4 L Water / 7 Full Tablespoons of Salt / 6 Full Teaspoons of Black Pepper
Fry the pine nut or walnut in 20ml oil until light brown the strain them and leave to cool. Fry the onion in the remaining oıl until yellow. Add halt of the ground beef and spices, and cook until the redness is gone.Take it from oven and cool it a little bit, and then add parsley. Stir it lor 1-2 mınutes, and add curranis and pine nuis Add some semolina and waier on the bulgur, and wait until it soaks up. Add the egg, fi ining spices, and soften it by adding warm water 5/6 times and kneading it each time you add warm water.
Pass it (in molded pieces) through the machine, and curve it upwards to cut in desired length. Place them ona tray with a damp cloth covering them or put underneath Close one side of the molded doughs by wet hand through the rolling pin guide, and fill them with the mixture prepared. Roll the other side by one hand and close it by other hand Store it in a humid place lf you add too much semolina, the outer side of it will be tough. Add enough water in the semolina. If it does not soften, it will crack.

1 KG Washed Cole (Cole Must Be Green And Firm with a Diameter of 15 cm) / 100 g Salad Dressing (2 Measuring Cups of Lemon Juice, 2 Measuring Cups of Olive Oil, 1 Measuring Cup of Grape Vinegar) / 10 g Salt
Chop the cole, and mix with the ingredients of salad dressing.