Vonali Celal is a local restaurant which has been serving meals of the local cuisine and its home-made amazing pickles in front of the Hoyrat Castle in the district of Persembe (formerly known as Vona) of Ordu since 1976. It serves the essential tastes of the Black Sea cuisine such as black cabbage soup, borage (an herb grown at the foot of the hazel tree) meal, stuffed smilax and cabbage, mihlama, black cabbage with rice, kashkak and white beans. Vonali Celal serves 101 different types of pickles including plum, cherry, cherry laurel, Japanese plum, pod, grape, egg, mushroom, smilax and parsley roots.
Here you can see the photos taken during the events that reflect the spirit of the festival:
Appetizers specially prepared by Celal cuisine within the framework of the festival:

Anchovy Pan with Stuffing
500 g Anchovy / Corn Flour 100 g / 1 Glass of Rice / 1 Onion / 1 Leek Half Bunch of Parsley / 1 Green Pepper / 1 Tomato / 1 Pack of Pine Nut / 1 Pack of Dried Currant / Black Pepper-Chili Pepper-Mint
Chop finely the onion, leek and green pepper, and take them in a saucepan. Add pine nut, and keep roasting. When the ingredients are roasted, add tomato, parsley, dried currant and rice. After addition of all spices and a glass of hot water, leave it cooking. While simmering the stuffing, clean and wash the anchovies. Take them on a strainer. Add salt and corn flour, and bone the fish. Lay the anchovies around the pan with their outer sides facing inside the pan. Then, put the stuffing prepared, and lay anchovies on and around the stuffing. Cook it by flipping on low heat.

Roasted Green Bean Pickles
Green Bean / Onion / Butter / Paprika / Garnic
Chop some pickles, which have been previously made. Chop the onion and garlic, and roast them in butter in a saucepan. Add the chopped green beans. After adding paprika, put the lid on, and leave it roasting.