Conserving the spirit of local restaurants with a focus on the Aegean cuisine at the very heart of Nisantasi, Lokanta Kru is serving in a cozy atmosphere at its open kitchen decorated with green - turquoise - blue ceramics. Offering a menu consisting pre-dominantly of Aegean herbs and olive-oil meals, Lokanta Kru's featured tastes are wild radish, the first shoots of cauliflower with plums, raw broccoli with avocado, stems of spinach, stuffed artichoke and artichoke with avocado.
Here you can see the photos taken during the events that reflect the spirit of the festival:
Appetizers specially prepared by the Restaurant Kru cuisine within the framework of the festival:

Raw Broccoli with Avocado
2-3 Medium-Sized Broccolis / 8-10 Ripe Avocados / 1 Bunch of Mint / 1 Bunch of Dili / 1 Cup of Olive Dil / Salt / Leman Juice
Purée the avocados, and then mix all ingredients. Serve it by strawberry sauce.

Beef Cheek
1 Veal Arm / 35 el. Wine / 11 Bone Broth / 2 Celery Stalks / 3 Carrots / 1 Dnion / 3 Garlic Cloves /Salt/ Pepper
Cut the veal arm into pieces, and sear them. Add wine and bone broth and then other ingredients, and cook for 9 hours on low heat without boiling.